Why Choose a Plant-Based Lifestyle?

Have you been following my blog and tossing around the idea of test driving a plant-based lifestyle, but just haven’t made a final decision yet?  Have you recently adopted a plant-based lifestyle and have been unsure how to answer the multitude of questions from friends and family as to why you made this change?  Are you completely unfamiliar with the plant-based lifestyles that have been in the news a lot lately and would love to know what all the fuss is about?


Well, I’ve got answers for you.  Just click on the link below to find my most compelling reasons for changing the way you eat (and it all fits onto one sheet of paper!).  I encourage you to take ten minutes out of your busy day and read it.  What you choose to do with it is totally up to you, but I’m hoping for the sake of your health and that of your loved ones, that you’ll give it a shot.





I am a Plant-Based Nutrition Counselor, a graduate of Cornell University’s plant-based nutrition program, the only collegiate program in the country which focuses on the medical benefits of a low-fat, plant-based lifestyle,and am board certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.  I help people to achieve their wellness goals by providing them with the tools that they need to gain control over their health.  If you would prefer individualized assistance with your weight, with a chronic, degenerative disease, with other health and wellness aspirations, or if you would like me to speak to a group, please email me at traceyeakin@gmail.com or give me a call at 724.469.0693 to arrange a time.